Supported Living & Inclusion
We offer assistance in all levels of support to assist individuals in their home. All services are individualized to meet the needs of each individual. We are happy to also provide a variety of community inclusion services to the individuals we serve.

Supported Living
Representative payee services
Benefits counseling related to federal benefits (SSI and SSDI) and employment
Debt reduction and elimination, and budget planning
Creation of custom savings plans to help reach financial goals
Help learning to pay bills with a checking account
Money management and financial planning
Meal planning and shopping
Scheduling and maintaining all appointments
Accessing supports and resources in the community
Household maintenance and upkeep
Assistance with health and safety skills in the home and in the community

Community Activities
These programs are designed to provide individuals with meaningful and engaging activities that promote socialization, skill development, and community integration.
Weekly Game/activity nights including bowling, pool, dancing, arts and crafts, concerts, fishing etc. Activities change monthly and include popular seasonal events and activities.

Tabletop Role Playing
Tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) are a form of collaborative storytelling and gaming in which participants create and control characters within a fictional setting.
MPS hosts bi-weekly groups of “Dungeons and Dragons” that can accommodate various skill levels and learning styles. Tabletop RPGs are inherently social activities that foster teamwork, communication, and camaraderie among players. Tabletop role-playing is a versatile and inclusive hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Start the Process
To receive services from McKenzie Personnel Systems please contact your Service Coordinator (SC), at Lane County Developmental Disabilities, Personal Agent (PA) at Full Access or Resource Connections of Oregon (RCO), or Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) at Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
For questions about our services please call 541-344-0549.
We look forward to working together with you to achieve your goals!